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Summer Semester 2020 Initial Meet-Up

As every semester, we will meet at 'Pizzeria Europa' to discuss the upcoming semester-schedule on the second thursday of the semester (March 26th) at 07:00 o'clock in the evening.

The Summer Semester 2020 Initial Meet-Up will take place online on 23.04. at 07:00 o'clock in the evening.

At this meet-up, everyone will have the chance to submit a talk (or multiple) to be held during the upcoming semester. Alternatively, if you have a topic you would be interested in, you can ask if anyone would like to do a talk on it.

But don't worry, although we encourage everyone to do so, nobody is forced to do a talk.

All creatures welcome!

news/initial-meetup-ss-2020.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/08 14:58 by unfug
