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We will publish the schedule on this site every semester, as soon as it is completed (at the initial meet-up).

All Talks held online are recorded for archiving reasons, unless requested otherwise by the presenter.
By joining the room, you declare your consent to that.

Talks are held in German by default, since it's the language all current members speak. If you do not speak German, you may ask us to switch to English, and we will try to accommodate you when possible. Other languages are not an option, as they would make the talk inaccessible for current regulars.

The talks are starting at 19:15!
If a talk is marked with strikethrough (like this), it means it has unfortunately been cancelled. We try to mark talks as soon as we are made aware of cancellation, but since this can happen on relatively short notice, we recommend joining our Matrix space for real-time notifications and chatting.

Date Topic SuperUser Location
Thu 2024-03-21 Initial Meetup SS24 C2.16
Thu 2024-03-28 Two-Factor-Authentication Max C2.16
Thu 2024-04-04 Kann ich euch Kubernetes empfehlen? Infra bei der VSt 4censord C2.16
Thu 2024-04-11 » Blocker Erstiparty «
Thu 2024-04-18 20-Minute Adventure (GHB-Infra) Pinkegefahr Hybrid
Thu 2024-04-25 » Final preparations UnFUCK '24 «
Fri 2024-04-26
– Sun 2024-04-28
Wed 2024-05-08 Wer? Wie? Was? – UnFUG-Infrastruktur weva
Thu 2024-05-09 » No talk due to holiday «
Thu 2024-05-16Hack My Sextoy Ronny C2.16
Thu 2024-05-23 » No talk due to holiday «
Thu 2024-05-30 » No talk due to holiday «
Thu 2024-06-06 Irgendwas mit Holger v2024.1 Holger Hybrid
Thu 2024-06-13 Weil uns die Umwelt am Herzen liegt <3 Pinkegefahr C2.16
Thu 2024-06-20 Ich musste mit Graylog arbeiten yamidesu C2.16
Thu 2024-06-27 Automating 5G nightdice C2.16
Thu 2024-07-04 Lightning Talx Everyone C2.16

To find the talk schedules of past semesters, for inspiration or other reasons, check our archive.

schedule.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/18 19:33 by nightdice
