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We're back in person!

Hi all,

after several semesters of online talks due to the ongoing CoViD-19 pandemic, we are finally allowed to return to holding talks in person! The reason is the new hygiene guideline which has finally been ratified by the HFU-Lagezentrum, which includes the option to hold meetings in person. Thanks to this, we will be holding talks in person starting this week, on Thursday 2022-03-31. The schedule has been adjusted accordingly.

For the first few meetings we will additionally keep the option to listen in online for those who cannot be present. We will decide whether or not to keep the online option at a later point in time. If you have any further questions or points to be discussed, we encourage you to join our Matrix Space and bring them up there.

See you on Thursday!

news/back-in-person.txt · Last modified: 2022/03/30 13:01 by nightdice
